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Welcome to iTapOnline

my online Tap Dance Studio

where I help Tap Dancers and Tap Teachers unlock all the joy of Tap Dance, and have more fun in Tap class. 


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Welcome to iTapOnline


my online Tap Dance Studio for adults


where passionate adult Tap Dancers thrive and have the MOST fun, and where my online classes will make you feel like you're in the room with me.

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Hi! I'm Hillary-Marie.

Everything I teach is centered around the 5 Fundamentals of Tap Dance, which include Technique, Improvisation, Music Theory, History, and Practical Application. 

I’m not just going to teach you a dance. I’m going to teach you HOW to dance, because tap dance is so much more than just steps. It’s culture. It’s rhythm. It’s movement. It’s A movement. It’s personal practice. It’s artistry. It’s creation. It’s why I love this art form so much and everything that I want you to experience in your tap dance journey.

I have the coolest job in the world because I get to eat, breathe and sleep tap dance, each and every single day. 

And the best part, is the joy of sharing my love and knowledge of Tap Dance with passionate and eager dancers, at all stages of their tap dance journey, all around the world. 

Tap Dance Resources

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A place to ask questions and talk all things Tap Dance

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Listen to my Tap Dance Podcast

With over 100 episodes to dive into

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The iTap Teacher Certificate Program

A 10-week comprehensive training program for Tap Teachers

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I love that I can access class whenever I want and I really love the live classes. What a fantastic program! Each class has me coming back for more.



Thank you so much for a wonderful year of Tap Dance. You offer the most complete online training and your consistency is wonderful. You are so approachable.